Written on Mar 14, 2016
- Sheriff Serenity Adams worked a case in Lamb to the Slaughter surrounding a murder that took place in the Amish settlement within her jurisdiction. She enlisted the help of Daniel Bachman a former Amish member and together they solved the case. When an Amish settlement in northern Indiana is riddled with a rash of arsons that have escalated to possible murder they call Serenity and ask for help. Serenity takes her vacation and along with David travels to Popular Springs.
- All of the stories take place within and surrounding Amish communities and Hopkins does a wonderful job of sharing insight into these close-knit communities. The stories are well researched and share the differences between each sector. There is a religious aspect to these tales, but it would be unrealistic not to mention religion in an Amish community. The stories are not preachy and mentions of God where in context with the characters.
- In Whispers of the Dead, a rash of unsolved barn burnings recently escalated when an unknown female was found burned beyond recognition. The local Amish feel that Popular Springs Sheriff is doing little to solve the case. Hopkins introduced characters and suspects within the community and I found them to be well-developed and interesting. She weaved in different threads about the families, the Sheriff’s resistance and more giving me a wonderfully detailed and suspenseful read.
- Since Lamb to the Slaughter, there has been delicious chemistry between Serenity and Daniel. Serenity has some hang-ups but the more time they spend together, the more she lets her guard down. This is a slow-burning romance and the reader is rewarded in Whispers of the Dead. I am looking forward to spending more time with this couple in the next book. I picture Daniel as Jeffery Dean Morgan (John Winchester; Supernatural) and can I just say- Yum. He is patient, soft-spoken and sexy. Serenity is compassionate, sensitive and a total kick-ass when on a case making both of these characters likable.
- The mystery in Whispers of the Dead was well done and I liked how Hopkins weaved in events from the past into the crime. We had plenty of suspects and dealing with a tight-knit community gave Serenity some difficulties but she is tenacious. Red herrings, twists and reveals made the story a page-turner and I enjoyed how the pieces clicked together.