Written on Jan 31, 2022
And I mean, the mysteries are great but the relationship between them is truly something special.
“All right, all right,” said Tommy, “be realistic. But if you really want to be noble and come with me—” “I want to come with you,” said Tuppence. “After all, I married you for better or for worse and Aunt Ada is decidedly the worse. So I shall go with you hand in hand.
Christie, Agatha. The Complete Tommy & Tuppence Collection (Tommy & Tuppence Mysteries) . William Morrow Paperbacks. Kindle Edition.
I love that they're always so supportive of one another and that the love and affection between them is so readily apparent. I love that they're not just husband and wife but best friends too. Plus they're hilarious - the snark, the banter it's perfection. And Tuppence is such a drama queen and I totally rate it.
“All the same—” said Tommy. “I know,” said Tuppence, “I know. All the same you feel it’s your duty and so you’ve got to go.” “Don’t you think I’m right?” “Unfortunately,” said Tuppence, “I do think you’re right. Absolutely right. And I’ll come too,” she added, with a slight note of heroism in her voice. “No,” said Tommy. “Why should you? She’s not your aunt. No, I’ll go.” “Not at all,” said Mrs. Beresford. “I like to suffer too. We’ll suffer together. You won’t enjoy it and I shan’t enjoy it and I don’t think for one moment that Aunt Ada will enjoy it. But I quite see it is one of those things that has got to be done.”
Christie, Agatha. The Complete Tommy & Tuppence Collection (Tommy & Tuppence Mysteries) . William Morrow Paperbacks. Kindle Edition.
The only one who cracks me up more than Tuppence is Albert. They really are quite a pair with their mysteries and clues and adventures. Well and their sneaking and snooping.
“And now, I suppose,” said Tommy, “you want to hear everything.” “Matter of fact, sir,” said Albert in a slightly apologetic tone, “I know most of it. You see, seeing as it was a question of the missus and all that, I took the liberty of lifting up the extension in the bedroom. I didn’t think you’d mind, sir, not as it was the missus.”
Christie, Agatha. The Complete Tommy & Tuppence Collection (Tommy & Tuppence Mysteries) . William Morrow Paperbacks. Kindle Edition.
Overall another strong addition to the series. 4.5 stars, rounded up to 5.