Written on Sep 1, 2015
You know the books where you forgo eating and sleeping to just read one more chapter? Athica Lane is one of those book. One negative (POSITIVE) of my kindle is the ability to be able to read without having a light on. So when hubby does his usual - tuck me into bed before he goes back to work a bit more - routine, instead of going to sleep like a good girl, I turned that sucker back on and kept reading. Now I’ve finished Athica Lane, I'm tired and kind of sad that I rushed it. It’s one of THOSE books that suck you in, grab hold and don’t let go until the end.
We know Paige from Overflow and Beautiful Life. She’s the youngest and littlest Carpino and up till now she comes across as high-strung and spoilt. In this book we get to know her better and realise it’s not a little…she’s really high-strung. The start of the book we see her getting ready to look after her sister Sophia’s kids while Sophia and her husband spend a week in Hawaii. First thoughts…why don’t my two sisters (in my real life) offer to look after my kids so I can go to Hawaii for a week?
Anyways…she’s gone to a burger joint, on the phone to Sophia, and finds herself entered in a wet t-shirt competition. Not really, just that some guy who looks like a brick wall dumped his drink on her…and is rude about it. What a knucklehead.
Mr Knucklehead aka Cam Montgomery, has Grumpy Bear Syndrome from the day he meets Paige. First, he spills his drink on her when she bumps him, then he accuses her of having a Sugar Daddy because she’s got a fancy car. He can’t get her out of his head. She talks a mile a minute and has serious attitude…but that hair…and those big brown eyes. Poor Cam is a single-dad who has two full time jobs and no time to have a relationship. This chick is sending his body into overdrive and she’s hardly aware she’s doing it.
Eventually Cam and Paige succumb to their desire for each other. Both of them are extremely busy with their work, but decide the physical attraction is too much to ignore. Cam has a brain malfunction and makes a doozy of a mistake. That should have earned him time in the sin bin, but luckily Paige is a sweetheart and eventually forgives him. We see them grow as a couple and form a great bond, especially with his kids Jordy and Cara. There are a few issues with Cam’s ex, a disgruntled footy player and Paige’s best friend. They do have a 5 week breakup but neither of them can move on.
This isn’t just a love story. There is a bit of mystery as well when Paige has a stalker, so everyone goes into protection mode. The Carpino family are their usual crazy selves. We also meet the Montgomery’s, who are Cam’s wacky parents from Texas. I love the family dynamics in Athica Lane. Everyone cares about each other and when one person is down or sad, the whole family come together to make things right.
This book had all the things I love and enjoy in a great contemporary romance. The hero is a big, HOT, tough, protective, HOT, possessive, HOT and loving man who takes his role of Dad and lover seriously. The heroine is a quirky character, who loves her family, friends and job, sometimes to her own detriment. There are plenty of steamy scenes with the silent sexy times being some of the best. I laughed, cried, blushed and squirmed…it ticked all my boxes. Brynne Asher has come a long way and this is by far her best work. I would definitely suggest this series to all my friends.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.