The Duke Heist takes the found family trope a step further. The six Wynchester siblings are orphans taken in by the wealthy and eccentric Baron Vanderbean. Nearly two decades later, the baron is gone but his adopted children remain in his home, closer than ever. Of course, this unconventional family is looked down upon. Not just because of their origins, but the way they move around in society, righting wrongs of the ton rather than attending balls and fancy dinners. Which now includes their mission to steal back a painting that the current duke of Fairchilde's father stole from them!
I had a lot of fun reading The Duke Heist. Chloe accidentally kidnapping Lawrence was quite funny, and their resulting deal provided a lot of entertainment. She wants to get close to him by pretending that she needs lessons from him on how to act in society in order to snag a husband. In reality, she just wants access to his home to find her family's painting. However, things do drag on for too long, once the big drama unfolds. Lawrence already learned that Chloe and her family are not what they seem, and yet he refuses to even entertain the idea that she could be his savior. In his mind, there's no way she has the money he wants and the love that he needs. I feel like he would have at least listened to her the first time, rather than cutting her off.