Kim Deister
Written on Aug 7, 2013
Some may question reading a book with that much sadness and emotional angst, even in the first few chapters, but it is that emotional pull that kept me riveted. My heart was breaking for Piper, for Bree. This is such a unique book, based by the author on a courageous theme. The book is very much character-driven, an emotional journey through the mind of Piper and her charges.
But despite the emotional tugs in the story, it was incredible. It was amazing to me how the author took the subject of suicide and managed to create a positive theme with it. The pain and emotions of those who have committed suicide are in no way dismissed, degraded, or glamorized, but acknowledged and understood with compassion. The Station is a way station for those who commit suicide, a place where they can make a choice... to help others on Earth that are suffering or to spend eternity wrapped in their own pain. It is a part of their training to explore, understand, and accept the reasons and situations that led them to their own choice of suicide, allowing them to better help others.
Things to love about Dying to Forget...
--Piper. She's emotionally devastated at the beginning of the book, before and after her death. But she finds the courage to face her fears, her doubts, her pain. Amazing character.
My recommendation: This is a book that needs to be read to be understood, to fully appreciate the beauty of the story! This is not a light, "feel good" read, but a heartfelt, emotional, beautiful story.