Act Two is definitely better than Act One. However, I am still not happy.
The story get slightly more interesting and you keep reading out of fascination (not just out of pure obligation to finish the book). I have a hard time really caring for any of the characters, so my connection with the novel is shallow at best.
At least things get moving and the plot moves forward. That's a thumbs up on this front. Kahler did good on that respect. But as I've mentioned in my last review, The Immortal Circus is his first series of books. And that shows. I'm not sure whether I can keep up with his style of writing for another novel. It just not as refined and he keeps repeating himself a lot. If it were just one book, I might be okay with it, but for three books straight this is rather annoying.
Also I'm not sure whether I just got used to all that sex, violence and love story aspect or if it just goes better with the second novel. It didn't feel as out of place as it did in the last book.