Written on Nov 29, 2014
I was way more captivated by this story than I thought I would be. I did not totally understand all the circumstances surrounding this relationship dilemma, but I felt quite sad for both Brady and Liz, as they struggled with what they wanted and needed. I also swooned over Brady. Besides the fact that he was devastatingly handsome, he also had so many moments during the book when you just felt some tears well up in you eyes and your heart ached a little. He had these two persona that coexisted in his heart and mind, and it was a obvious struggle for him -- Liz vs. his career. Liz also battled with these conflicted feelings. She wanted to be with Brady, no matter what the conditions, but she also wanted to be able to enjoy him within her own terms.
In addition, both characters grew tremendously over the course of this book. Liz finding a whole other side of herself, where she is more free, more vocal, and Brady, really getting in touch with his emotions regarding Liz and his obligations to his constituents.
The characters were quite enjoyable and the writing was very easy to enjoy.
Is the ending a cliffhanger? I guess. I am not positive what choice Liz made, but I am lucky the next book is available for me to start today.