Written on Mar 27, 2017
But there were some issues with the book - there's a hell of a lot of stupidity in this. For instance the story line with Brittany seemed kind of dumb. The thing is her aunt was abducted - you're seriously telling me that she has no commonsense. She talks online to some guy even though she knows the horror stories. She thinks someone is watching her house but doesn't think to mention it to anyone. She even thinks her swim coach is creepy but lets it go until Lizzy drags it out of her why she's acting weird. I just feel like an abduction would change the family and make them more worried and aware of the dangers and risks. Like Cathy doesn't even bother to tell her daughter that there might be a problem. Is she for real? Cathy annoyed the crap out of me. I didn't like her at all. Her petty jealousy and ignorance over what her sister went through is appalling. Jessica runs straight into a house without even bothering to let anyone know what's going on - like why not just spit it out on voicemail and be done. Or hell - a text.
Hayley is the only one besides Lizzy with actual brains. Sure, she used herself as bait - but she also explained what she was doing and got his DNA. Like that move was awesome. She might have died - but she also would've made sure he was caught.
I would like to read the rest of them but having read some of the spoilers I don't know that I'm up to the challenge. On the other hand, T.R. Ragan really knows how to write a suspenseful read.