Written on Nov 22, 2016
Milo Bautista has his boss's number. Renner may appear to be a self-centered asshole, but Milo has been watching him, and there is more to Renner than meets the eye.
Renner Bastion is used to being disliked and left alone, but the sarcastic, tattooed Milo seems to want to take care of him. When Milo asks him to help him catch the eye of another man, Renner agrees, all the while knowing nothing good will come of it.
This review is probably going to sound like I didn't enjoy this book as much as I did. And I DID enjoy it...A LOT. Renner and Milo were SMOKIN. The writing was fantastic as usual. The sex scenes were scorching (Tessa Bailey really should write more M/M books.) It had a ton of feels and it kept me turning the pages.
Unfortunately, it also had one of the most (for me) annoying setups. The whole "please help me get the attention of an OM/OW" (in this case a dude called TRAVIS.) trope. I am just not crazy about that type of storyline. Someone inevitably has doubts and ends up either getting hurt or pulling a "shits for brains move" I also find them to be predictable and yes, this WAS predictable. Travis is never a physical issue for the couple, but his shadow does cover a good portion of the book.
"I make the decisions. Do you understand? Boss inside work, boss outside of work. That’s me. Your dick seems to like that idea just fine."
My other issue was this ended REALLY abruptly in my opinion. I think Renner's and Milo's relationship deserved more than a few lines dedicated to him shoving Milo into a dark hospital corner and asking him to marry him after Duke and Sam's baby was born. On top of that, since this was the last book in the series, it REALLY needed a WAY better epilogue.
So I know it sounds like I didn't like this book, but overall it WAS an entertaining read. Certainly better than book one, but not as awesome as book three IMO.