Written on May 20, 2016
Noelle is a woman true to the summary and takes being ‘passionate’ seriously…but that passion sometimes borders on outright aggression. I did like her quick wit about 60% of the time because I enjoyed seeing others scramble to keep up with the quick insults, but the other 40% of the time I spent growing increasingly impatient with Noelle’s seemingly needless goading. Also I don’t see how “I shoot before I think” is a good thing…you know, since bullets tend to have a way of hurting/killing people but you know..anything to sound like a badass I guess. Her relationship with Drake follows the lead as the rest of the character driven moments, flipping between yummy and ‘why are you still fighting?’. These two are completely at odds with each other mentally, but physically the sexual tension is pretty damn thick. But I can’t say I really cared if they go together, I just desperately wanted them to make a decision before their constant bickering drove me insane.
The real treat in this book, and the reason it’s at a 3 star rating instead of lower, is the mystery/suspense angle. I dig mysteries, and this one was quite fun (I don’t know if fun is a good way to describe a murder mystery, but there you have it). The pacing of this runs about the same as most cozy mysteries, and quickly moves in towards the conclusion while zig-zagging in an attempt at misdirection and for the most part it does it successfully.
While I don’t particularly ‘like’ the characters, I did really like the mystery and I would considering continuing the series just for that portion.