May had quite an emotional journey in this book. Parting ways with her cheating and emotionally abusive ex-girlfriend was not...Read more
May had quite an emotional journey in this book. Parting ways with her cheating and emotionally abusive ex-girlfriend was not easy for her. She thought it just added to her hot-mess status. But, in reality, May was made of much stronger stuff, and I think she finally was able to see that by the end of the book.
She had a lot in common with Alec. They were both grossly underestimated by their families, and therefore, had something to prove. I really liked them together. I liked that they saw the best in one another, and were supportive without being judgmental.
There were a lot of other things I really enjoyed like all the beer talk, food talk, grandpa, and the bar jokes. This was fun with just the perfect amount of drama and emotion.