Written on Mar 9, 2017
First of all this cover is HOT. Like crazy smokin' hot. Aside from that, it's a good representation of the hero. The composition is very well done. The typography is eye-catching. Basically, I love everything about this cover!
I want to say I loved this one but that seems a bit trite considering the subject matter. This book is hefty on the rape and torture of the heroine. In fact, it is one of the reasons it wasn't a total 5-star read for me. I didn't need chapter after chapter of fairly descriptive abuse towards the heroine to get the picture of what was happening to her. I would have much rather the author spent that page time building the relationship between Gunner and Charlie.
Which brings me to reason number two my rating is 4-stars and not higher. Gunner and Charlie are separated for 50% of this book. We see a little bit of them as kids/teens at the beginning, but then it isn't until halfway through when Gunner rescues her that we get to see them as a couple again. And like I said above I would have much rather have gotten more page time devoted to their relationship and the heroine's recovery than her abuse. Especially since I felt her recovery was a little rushed for all she had been through.
NOW that being said. I still really enjoyed this one. The author has a very readable way of writing. It was nicely paced. It had some good action. Had great side characters. An adorable kid. I loved the MC vibe and look forward to books featuring the other guys. So overall this one gets the two thumbs up from yours truly.