Written on Jul 11, 2017
I first heard of Kris Carr with her Crazy Sexy Cancer show. I thought she was courageous then I heard she had managed to put her cancer into remission by going vegan. Then a friend introduced me to Deliciously Ella. I was all like blah. I mean, everyone had reason to be worried. I topped the scale at 315 pounds. I smoked a pack a day, I did not move much, and I ate crap. I hate to say this, but it took a series of health crisis to get me to move my ass. I started coughing up blood one day, and at the ER they took an x-ray of my lungs, and they were COATED in tar. I smoked a pack a day for 21 years, so yeah. I left with some Chantix, and after about six tries and another trip to the ER, for...you guessed it... I was coughing up blood...AGAIN; the Dr told me I was playing Russian roulette with my health and mom was crying that I was gonna die soon. I quit smoking finally.
After about six months I could breathe like a normal person, and I was all proud, and then I went to the DR cause I was not feeling well and I topped the scale at my highest weight EVAR at 315 pounds. I almost crapped my pants. The Dr once again told me I was on the road to a heart attack. So after I almost had to use the cart at the food store cause I could barely walk I got my fat behind to the gym and went Paleo. I lost weight but and felt amazing, but honestly, I HATE meat. Seriously ewwwww. So that failed. I went back to eating crap. I mean I was on a first name basis at the local Burger King. This year I had one of the worst depressive episodes I have had since I was diagnosed with schizo-effective disorder in 2007. I was one notch above suicidal. I knew that I had to pull myself together and fight for me to not only to live but to thrive.
A friend urged me to watch some documentaries on Netflix, and I was hooked. What if I could beat this by changing my diet. I mean if Kris Carr could come back from stage 4 cancer surely I could get a grip on my schizo-effective disorder. So I checked her book out from the library and read it.
To be honest, I thought some of the stuff was extreme. I mean colonics? I am not sure about THAT, but overall I loved the book. I got some excellent ideas on how to incorporate some wellness stuff into my day. I mean I went gluten free vegan cold turkey. It helped that the night before I had a pizza and had the worst tummy ache in my life then I pooped out like three pounds. I am a TMI monster hee hee. I then realized that maybe gluten was not for me. SO gluten free vegan all the way here. I also am all over the essential oils and the dry brushing and all of that. I am all like TOXINS BE GONE!!
She explains very well how your body works and how different stuff affects you. I mean this book took me about a week to read cause I was reading and taking notes. I learned ALOT in this book. Like how gluten affects some people and how meat affects you. There are some graphic pictures in the book, so if you are sensitive to that sort of thing, you may want to skip the meat chapter. I read it and was like ewwwwwww you mean they roll around in the own shit then eat THAT, and we eat it GROSS I AM NEVER EVER EATING MEAT AGAIN!
I highly recommend this book. It has a lot of information. It is not at all preachy. It gives you facts, and she even says that if you WANT to eat meat to get the best you can afford. Maybe after I start feeling better, I will go back to eating Applegate beef. After reading what all goes INTO the animals though, it may be tough to look at a hamburger the same way. I mean I KNOW Applegate takes care of their cows and that their cows have no antibiotics and are grass fed and grass finished. Yes, they are expensive, but at least I know that the beef from those cows won't kill me and it is not gross to eat those cows. Heh, But to eat a hamburger from McDonald's from Lord only knows where they get their beef..ewwwwww....
I have been pushing this book on everyone. As I type this, I am on day three of my gluten-free journey, and I can feel changes occurring in me. I know I am detoxing from all the crap and I can't WAIT until I feel fabulous again!
This review was originally posted on Adventures in Never Never Land