Written on Dec 25, 2013
I admit that this book was full of suspense and I couldn't put it down, it had me terrified and made me lock all of the doors and windows in fear. Seriously. When I put this book down it took me a while to come out of the world it created because I had been so enraptured by it.
I liked the premise of the book and I knew it wouldn't be super original or anything like that so I didn't expect much. Thing is, while I liked all of that I just couldn't bring myself to rate this any higher. Simply because the rest of it was pretty below-average.
I didn't like any of the characters, they were very unrelate-able and flat so I felt no connection to any of them. Their personalities changed so often it got to the point where I just accepted that all three of the characters were in fact only one person with three bodies. They were all over the place and it was incredibly annoying. I would start to like one character and then they would do or say something that made me want to ram their heads into a brick wall and didn't follow along with what I had read previously. In fact I wanted to ram all of their heads into a brick wall. I mean yeah, there's a zombie apocalypse happening (not that the word 'zombie' was ever used in this book) but come on! Not everyone has to act like psychotic douche-bags or naive idiots. I mean in one paragraph it was explaining how scared they were and wanted to keep quiet, then in the next they were ramming a car into a store which created a hell of a lot of noise. Wtf. No logic to their way of thinking. They never thought ahead which was pretty stupid and annoying.
While I quite liked the world that was created I found there wasn't much of a plot other than survival, which would have been fine because it was suspenseful enough except that the characters were annoying as hell so there wasn't really anything for me to rate this book any higher. The characters were so annoying and sporadic that I quite disliked them, the zombies were more likable I swear. The only good thing about this book was the suspense and the way the disease happened was interesting. Too bad their weren't any scientists to theorize and figure out the cause.
Overall, if you want a quick scary zombie read then this is the book for you! Just have low expectations and you're good to go. It wasn't boring in the least.
I liked the premise of the book and I knew it wouldn't be super original or anything like that so I didn't expect much. Thing is, while I liked all of that I just couldn't bring myself to rate this any higher. Simply because the rest of it was pretty below-average.
I didn't like any of the characters, they were very unrelate-able and flat so I felt no connection to any of them. Their personalities changed so often it got to the point where I just accepted that all three of the characters were in fact only one person with three bodies. They were all over the place and it was incredibly annoying. I would start to like one character and then they would do or say something that made me want to ram their heads into a brick wall and didn't follow along with what I had read previously. In fact I wanted to ram all of their heads into a brick wall. I mean yeah, there's a zombie apocalypse happening (not that the word 'zombie' was ever used in this book) but come on! Not everyone has to act like psychotic douche-bags or naive idiots. I mean in one paragraph it was explaining how scared they were and wanted to keep quiet, then in the next they were ramming a car into a store which created a hell of a lot of noise. Wtf. No logic to their way of thinking. They never thought ahead which was pretty stupid and annoying.
While I quite liked the world that was created I found there wasn't much of a plot other than survival, which would have been fine because it was suspenseful enough except that the characters were annoying as hell so there wasn't really anything for me to rate this book any higher. The characters were so annoying and sporadic that I quite disliked them, the zombies were more likable I swear. The only good thing about this book was the suspense and the way the disease happened was interesting. Too bad their weren't any scientists to theorize and figure out the cause.
Overall, if you want a quick scary zombie read then this is the book for you! Just have low expectations and you're good to go. It wasn't boring in the least.