Kim Deister
Written on Dec 11, 2014
The star of this series is Ryder, a former Marine turned dog handler. As an Army veteran and Army wife, I love novels with a military theme that are done well. While the military itself wasn't at the center of this book, it's touch is felt throughout and it was done well.
Ryder and Maggie were facsinating main characters. Although this series centers on Ryder, their individual stories were equally important and they wove together nicely. The two characters came at the central plot from different angles and it made for a truly engrossing story with so many twists and turns. Just as important to the story were the supporting characters, especially Jason and his friends. They were former military and, as such, I related to their stories in different ways. I thought that the nod to veterans and the problems they often face was extremely well-handled and done so in a way that not only shined a bit of a light on it, but also gave hope.
What I also found interesting was that Ryder's dogs were almost as fully created characters as were the humans, with personalities and stories of their own. Grace is the main dog and she reminded me of my Noelani, so I had a special love for her!
Things to love...
--The subplots that really added depth to the story. --The veterans and their stories. --The dogs with individual personalities.
My Recommendation
I love action novels with a military/government theme and this book fit the bill. So much intrigue and mystery and I loved that I was kept guessing! Great read!