Written on Oct 24, 2021
I did NOT like that Elena was basically cheating for most of the book, I just can't stand cheating, like not at all, not even in the least. Hated it, made me hate her a little bit.
I liked the general werewolf thing, but honestly, I wasn't too captivated with the plot. Maybe it was those massive info dumps all the time to give us backstory. It felt like every two pages we got another two pages telling us some important backstory about one of the werewolves. And sometimes exactly those werewolves died two pages late. Glad I learned all about them.
I don't know, I'm torn. I liked Elena and Clay and their chemistry was hot and I love her struggles and overcoming them, and how she never absolves him for responsibility from his actions. I loved their chemistry, they were freaking hot together, but I just could not get into it since she was cheating. So since she is single by the end of the book, maybe I'll give book 2 a shot and see how I feel about that.
3.5 stars.