I’ve been diving back into the House of Night series by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast since I realized I never finished reading the series. I read Burned, the seventh book in the series when it was first released in 2010. I enjoyed it the first time I read it. The second time around, I’m finding some issues with the book, and I think it’s due to me being older. Yup, I’m older, and I noticed my love of the Young Adult genre had changed a bit. That doesn’t mean I don’t like this series by the fabulous P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast.
Storyline/My Thoughts: If you haven’t read the previous six books in the series, I would recommend not reading my review on Burned. I may end up spoiling something that happened from the earlier books. However, I try not to in my reviews.
The book picks up from the previous book where Zoey has had her soul shatter in pieces after what happens to Heath. Kalona kills Heath in front of Zoey, and it breaks her. It’s going to be a mission for Zoey’s friends to get her back from the Otherworld, but it’s not going to be easy. They also have a time limit, so they do everything they can to get Zoey back.
What I enjoyed from this book:
- I loved how Zoey’s friends never gave up on her after her soul shattered. Her Warrior, Stark, felt he failed on keeping Zoey alive and was determined to get her back from the Otherworld. There were extensive risks with getting her back, but he didn’t care. Stark learned something about himself in this book was a shocker. His character is growing on me.
- The only real drama and action were really with Stevie Rae. She put herself in a predicament that almost got her killed, and Rephaim saved her. She also had to deal with the other red fledglings that didn’t want to go back to the House of Night but cause issues in town. Stevie Rae has to deal with them. Stevie Rae is dealing with a lot for a Red High Priestess.
- I did like the ending and how Zoey was saved. It took a lot to get there, though. (which I go over slow pace below in my review.)
What I didn’t like in this book:
- There was quite a bit of point of view in this book from others. Although there was a plus that Zoey didn’t get much POV time. She was pretty annoying in this book, especially since her soul shattered. There was more Stevie Rae in this book, and even she was driving me crazy. Her keeping secrets is what drove me bonkers the most. Readers will also get Kalona, Stark, Aphrodite, and Rephaim’s POVs. It was too much at times.
- The pace in this book was slower than the previous books. It took forever to get to any action and drama. It dragged on, and I found myself putting this book down to pick up another book or watch a tv show. I needed some more action.
Overall, this time around, this book receives 3.5 stars from me. I liked it but didn’t enjoy it the first time I read it. I’m older now, and my reading tastes have changed a bit. I do plan on finishing my re-read and finally finishing this series, but I’m doing it slowly.
Standalone or Part of Series: It’s part of the House of Night series, and I recommend reading in order.
Cliffhanger: Yes
Would I recommend this book? Yes. I recommend it to the readers that have already dived into the previous books in the House of Night series. I do recommend it to young adults/older teens that enjoy YA Paranormal/Fantasy. There is cursing in this book—more than usual. Since I was in the U.S. Navy, I can handle cursing, but some readers may not enjoy it in a YA/Teen book.