Written on Sep 19, 2014
I don't even care about the romance between Ever and Damen. Their early proclamations of undying love makes their romance so unrealistic.
I did enjoy the psychic/paranormal aspect because it's given more of a spotlight than it was in Evermore. I feel that the paranormal aspect has potential that hasn't yet been tapped and if it was included, it would have been a lot more enjoyable to read about than Ever and Damen's romance.
I didn't care about any of the characters in Blue Moon, because Riley, the only character that I cared about in Evermore doesn't feature in Blue Moon.
Blue Moon is predictable, but I have to admit that I was enjoying the paranormal aspect of this book and was starting to view this series in a better light, until Ever did the most stupidest thing in the history of humankind. If I didn't have an issue about mishandling books, I would have thrown Blue Moon against my bedroom wall. That's how frustrated this book made me feel.