13 books • 6 series
Trial by Reflection (Yr4 - The Nightshade Guild: The Trials of the Guild, #2)
Bastard Bard (The Accidental Zodiacs)
Scorpion's Kiss (The Accidental Zodiacs)
Yr 3 - The Nightshade Guild (The Nightshade Guild, #30)
The Nightshade Guild (The Nightshade Guild, #18)
Mage Crafted (The Nightshade Guild, #5)
Veteran Dreams (Forever Young, #1)
A Slice of Resistance
Kisses and Revenge
A SLICE of Truth (Slice, #1)
Wisps of Beltane
Defying Destiny
Spring Paradoor 2014 (Paradoor, #10)