40 books • 15 series
Improving Your Customer Service
Evaluation of the Labour Market Benefits of Responsiveness Funding for Further Education (Research Report, #9)
Introductory Java (Computing programming textbooks)
The Vocabulary of English Place-Names
A Skills, Qualifications Utilisation (Research series: 67)
Object Oriented Programming with C++
Identification and Control of Specific Poultry Diseases in the European Union and with Their Trading Partners
Object Oriented Programming (In a Semester S.) (Computing programming textbooks)
The Mobile Radio Propagation Channel
Basic Electronics (Macmillan basic books)
Churches and Chapels (Practical handbooks, #8) (CBA Practical Handbook, #8)
Mits;Basic Electronics Lce
Employment and Manpower Surveys (Institute of Manpower Studies S., #3)
The Supply of Engineering and Science Graduates in Ireland
Poverty and the Minimum Wage