67 books
Travellers' Tales, a Book of Marvels
Frank Lawrence; Or, a Young Man's Fancy. Vol.II
College Days at Oxford.
Frank Lawrence; Or, a Young Man's Fancy
Sundays at Encombe
Frank Lawrence V2
Wykehamica. a History of Winchester College and Commoners, from the Foundation to the Present Day
The Boy Cavaliers
School and University; Or, Dolph Woolward
Balderscourt; Or, Holiday Tales
Sivan the Sleeper
Wroxby College, Or, the Luscombe Prize
Schoolboy Honour
The Boys of Westonbury, Or, the Monitorial System
The First of June, Or, Schoolboy Rivalry
The Cherry-Stones; Or, Charlton School
Wilton of Cuthbert's
The Judges of Israel