67 books
The White Brunswickers; Or, Reminiscences of Schoolboy Life
Sunday Evenings at Home Volume 1
Frank Lawrence Volume 3; Or, a Young Man's Fancy
The Indian Boy
The Doctor's Birthday; Or, the Force of Example
Tales of the Civil Wars. I. the Boy Cavaliers. II. Friend or Foe
The Chief of the School; Or, Schoolboy Ambition
Wykehamica, a History of Winchester College and Commoners
The Winborough Boys, Or, Ellerslie Park
Hair-Breadth Escapes; Or, the Adventures of Three Boys in South Africa
Wilton of Cuthbert's; A Tale of Undergraduate Life Thirty Years Ago
The Cherry-Stones; Or, Charlton School, Partly from the Mss. of W. Adams. Or, Charlton School, Partly from the Mss. of W. Adams
Frank Lawrence (Volume 2); Or, a Young Man's Fancy
Sunday Evenings at Home (Volume 2)
Tales Illustrating Church History. England, Vol.III. Mediaeval Period Volume 3
College Days at Oxford, Or, Wilton of Cuthberts
The Lost Rifle; Or, Schoolboy Faction. Or, Schoolboy Faction
The Boy Cavaliers; Or, the Siege of Clidesford. Or, the Siege of Clidesford
Sundays at Encombe; Or, Tales for Sunday Reading
School-Days at Kingscourt
Wroxby College, Or, the Luscombe Prize; A Tale of Boy Life
Schoolboy Honour; A Tale of Halminster College
Who Did It?; Or, Holmwood Priory. a Schoolboy's Tale
Sivan the Sleeper; A Tale of All Time