281 books • 1 series
Um - The Element Of Confusion
I Like Big Cups and I Can Not Lie
Zero Fox Given
Made In Vachina
Vegetarian (verb. [veje'tereen]) 1. archaic tribal name for the village idiot who can't hunt, fish or start fires . (see also
Vegan (noun. [vegen]) 1. an individual who gets asked where they get their protein from like 12 times a day. (see also
WHO THE #%& Took My... Oh wait, here it is...
Show Me Your Pitties
Boston Terrier Lover
Vacation Calories Don't Count
I'm So Good, Santa Came Twice
Unicorn (noun. [yoone, korn]) 1. a single piece of corn.
I Heart Nursing
Sister (noun. [sister]) 1. a female sibling 2. the person with whom you share your childhood, your secrets and your clothes. 3. the only person able to love you and bother you at the same time (see also
Trophy Husband
Things Are Better Down There
We All Have That ONE Friend
There Is No "We" In Tacos
Live Slow
Hockey Coach (noun. [hake-koch]) 1. like a normal coach but way cooler and better looking (see also
Tea Rex
Staffy (noun. [sta-fee]) 1. A doggo that is incredibly friendly and has a wiggly bottom. 2. Looks muscly and tough, is soft as butter wand will only ever knock you over to smother you in kisses. 3. Has a