761 books
slugs speeding, haiku and senryu
'Sé Mo Laoch Mo Ghile Mear, haiku and senryu
A solitary apple, haiku and senryu
A ladybug flies into the freezer-haiku and senryu
A lady leaps into a witch hazel bush-haiku and senryu
A black hole swallows earth-haiku and senryu
A big turtle swims-haiku and senryu
17 ducklings-haiku and senryu
tulips in snow-haiku and senryu
man with no shoes-haiku and senryu
woodsman-haiku and senryu
roots of the fallen douglas fir-haiku and senryu
A bear drags a turkey-haiku and senryu
The outhouse that wind blew over-haiku and senryu
"James, A Slave of God," poetry
The shoemaker and his parrot-haiku and senryu
A crow flies straight up-haiku and senryu
glasses in the lounge rattle-haiku and senryu
tulips, gone-haiku and senryu
scary clown-haiku and senryu
The professor's toupee-haiku and senryu
A skateboarder tumbles into the sea-haiku and senryu
upside down beetle-haiku and senryu
mum in pyjamas at the school-haiku and senryu