761 books
The young seaman-haiku and senryu
The young man thought he was going riding-haiku and senryu
The world is perfect-haiku and senryu
The waterfall says hello-haiku and senryu
The voice of silence-haiku and senryu
The smell of grilled steaks-haiku and senryu
The trapper and dandelion root-haiku and senryu
The smell of childhood-haiku and senryu
The retirement home-haiku and senryu
The prancing calf-haiku and senryu
The panhandler-haiku and senryu
The old tractor-haiku and senryu
The orange sky loses its glow-haiku and senryu
The noisy pub-haiku and senryu
i need younger friends, haiku and senryu
island of snowy trees, haiku and senryu
seaside path, haiku and senryu
"You Smell, My Father," haiku and senryu
Those John Lennon Liked to Wear, haiku and senryu
goat in the yard, haiku and senryu
two old cottonwoods, haiku and senryu
mossy crags so green, haiku and senryu
shadows, shadows-haiku and senryu
i don't ride horses, haiku and senryu