70 books • 5 series
Everyday Physics (30 Minute Book)
Plato (30 Minute Book)
The Astronomer Tycho Brahe (30 Minute Book)
John Bartram (30 Minute Book)
Abigail Adams
The American-British Artist Benjamin West
Selling the Soul- Fact or Fiction
The First Continental Congress
George Washington
Albert Einstein
Religion In Colonial America (30 Minute Book, #49)
The Formation of the 13 Colonies in America (30 Minute Book, #48)
Christopher Columbus and the Discovery of the Americas (30 Minute Book, #47)
The Great Stock Market Crash of 1929 (30 Minute Book, #46)
The Great 1929 Stock Market Crash (30 Minute Book, #46)
Herbert Hoover (30 Minute Book, #45)
Zachary Taylor (30 Minute Book, #44)
History of the Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colonies (30 Minute Book, #42)
The Mexican-American War (30 Minute Book, #41)
Samuel Adams (30 Minute Book, #40)
Louisa Catherine Adams
John Quincy Adams (30 Minute Book, #30)
James K. Polk (30 Minute Book, #39)
John Tyler (30 Minute Book, #38)