69 books • 5 series
The French and Indian War - A Short History (30 Minute Book, #15)
Make Your Money Grow with Dividend-Paying Stocks (30 Minute Book, #14)
Gold of My Father
Thomas Jefferson - A Short Biography (30 Minute Book, #13)
Jesse Owens, Adolf Hitler and the 1936 Summer Olympics (30 Minute Book, #12)
The Great Depression - A Short History (30 Minute Book, #11)
Alexander Hamilton - A Short Biography (30 Minute Book, #10)
John Adams - A Short Biography (30 Minute Book, #9)
Coinage of the United States ? A Short History (30 Minute Book, #8)
The Astronomer Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin - A Short Biography (30 Minute Book, #6)
The American Revolutionary War - A Short History (30 Minute Book, #5)
Benjamin Franklin - A Short Biography (30 Minute Book, #4)
Galileo Galilei - A Short Biography (30 Minute Book, #3)
Alexander Hamilton - Illustrated and Annotated
Harlow Shapley - Biography of an Astronomer
Buying and Selling Silver Bullion Like a Pro
Birds are People Too - 3 (Birds Are People Too, #3)
Birds are People 2
Birds of the National Aviary
Industrial Organization, Trade, and Social Interaction
The Life and Times of a Country Boy