Oded Shenkar is Ford Motor Company Chair in Global Business Management and Professor of Management and Human Resources at the Fisher College of Business, the Ohio State University; and has taught in China, Japan, Israel and the UK. He holds B.A. and MSc.soc degrees in East Asian Studies and Sociology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and M.Phil and PhD degrees from Columbia University. In addition to strategic alliances, his main areas of interest are cross-border investment and the impact of culture on international business. He has published numerous articles in the Academy of Management Review, the Academy of Management Journal, Human Relations, the Journal of International Business Studies, Management Science, Organization Science, Organization Studies and the Journal of Applied Psychology, among others, and is a member of the editorial board of the Academy of Management Executive, Human Relations, the International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, the Journal of International Business Studies, Management International Review and Organization Studies. His prior books include Organization and Management in China 1979-1990 (M.E. Sharpe), International Business in China (Routledge, with L. Kelley), Global Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Prentice-Hall), The Handbook of International Management Research (Blackwell, 1st ed.; University of Michigan Press, 2nd ed., with B.J. Punnett), International Business (Wiley, with Y. Luo) and The Chinese Century (Wharton Publishing). Professor Shenkar serves as an advisor to multinational firms, government and international agencies. He is a Fellow of the Academy of International Business and a member of the Conference Board Council of Integration Executives.