Dr. Mark Wiley is an internationally renowned mind-body health practitioner, author, and publisher. He has traveled extensively throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia to research, experience, learn, and master the world's alternative healing practices; from the oldest to the most modern. Dr. Mark's interest in alternative health practices was not just a mere curiosity; he was looking for long-lasting relief from the debilitating migraines and chronic pain that plagued him from childhood. He received treatments from medical doctors, psychologists, chiropractors, physical therapists, hypnotists, acupuncturists, herbalists, bone-setters, qigong masters, yoga masters, traditional Chinese doctors, faith healers and tribal shamans. None of them, individually, were able to offer him lasting relief from his daily torment. So he took it upon himself to learn their methods, in the process earning a Master's in Health Care Management, and Doctorate's in both Alternative Medicine and Oriental Medicine.