15 books • 3 series
Mktg Mgmt Pitman Ed
Mktg Mgmt/Cps Sel Cs Psu Ed Pkg
Mktg Mgmt Cmptst 4 3.50 Windows
Mktg Mgmt/Ethics Mktg C 1&2 Pkg Kg
Mktg Mgmt MOT
Mktg Mgmt Im/Gamar 3.50 IBM Dsk
Mktg Mgmt Cmptst 4 3.50 MAC
Mktg Mgmt Special Unbound
Mktg Res Selected Chapters Msu Ed
Mktg Mgmt Sel Chap Psu Ed
Mktg Mgmt Im
Marketing Management and Administrative Action
Marketing Management (McGraw-Hill/Irwin Series in Marketing)
Promotion (Foundations of Marketing)
Cases in Advertising Management (Marketing S.)