135 books • 33 series
Jack Kerouac (1922-1969) was an American novelist and poet who influenced generations of writers. He is recognized for his spontaneous prose style and for being a pioneer of the Beat Generation.
Ploplop No. 4 (Ploplop, #4)
Satori a Paris (Folio, A38599)
Beat Generation (Oneworld Classics)
Kerouac at the "Wild Boar"
On the Road (Cassette)
Book of Dreams
Safe in Heaven Dead
The Jack Kerouac Collection
Visions of Gerard (McGraw-Hill Paperbacks)
Satori in Paris (Kerouac, Jack)
Souterrains (Folio, A37690)
Dear Carolyn (Unspeakable Visions of the Individual)
Vagabond Solitaire (Folio, A37187)
Big Sur (Folio, A37094) (Great Kerouac) (Penguin Ink) (Harper Perennial Modern Classics) (Flamingo modern classics) (1960s A S.)
Tristessa (Precursores)
Doctor Sax (Precursores) (Modern classic) (Harper Perennial Modern Classics)
Maggie Cassidy (Panther Books) (Flamingo modern classics) (J. Ranade IBM)
Clochards Celestes (Folio, A36565)
Subterraneans (Kerouac, Jack) (Flamingo modern classics)
Sur la route
Lonesome Traveller (Paladin Books)
Visions of Cody