135 books • 33 series
Jack Kerouac (1922-1969) was an American novelist and poet who influenced generations of writers. He is recognized for his spontaneous prose style and for being a pioneer of the Beat Generation.
Jack Kerouac: Selected Letters
Pomes All Sizes (Pocket Poets)
Heaven and Other Poems
Good Blonde
Orpheus Emerged
On the Road Book & Cassette
Door Wide Open
Atop an Underwood
Los vagabundos del Dharma
Trip Trap (Writing)
Desde El Jardin
Los Vagabundos del Dharma
Los Subterraneos
Vcl: on the Road
Book of Blues (Penguin Poets)
San Francisco Blues
Selected Letters
Some of the Dharma
The Portable Jack Kerouac (Viking portable library)
Docteur Sax (Folio, A38876)
Scripture of the Golden Eternity (Pocket Poets)
Satori in Paris / Pic
Old Angel Midnight