105 books
A History of the Church (Volume 2)
Hippolytus and Callistus; Or, the Church of Rome in the First Half of the Third Century, with Special Reference to the Writings of Bunsen,
The First Age of Christianity and the Church Volume 2
Ungedruckte Berichte Und Tagebucher Zur Geschichte Des Concils Von Trient, Volume 1
La Papauté
Hippolytus and Callistus
Die Papst-Fabeln Des Mittelalters ... Zweite Auflage
Kirche Und Kirchen
Die Reformation, Ihre Innere Entwicklung Und Ihre Wirkungen Im Umfange Des Lutherischen Bekenntnisses
Fables Respecting the Popes of the Middle Ages; A Contribution to Ecclesiastical History
Prophecies and the Prophetic Spirit in the Christian Era; An Historical Essay
History of the Church Volume 1
A History of the Church
The First Age of Christianity and the Church, Tr. by H.N. Oxenham
The Pope and the Council, by Janus [With the Collaboration of J.N. Huber and J. Friedrich]. Transl
A History of the Church - Translated from the German by Edward Cox (Volume 2)
A History of the Church - Translated from the German by Edward Cox (Volume 4)
A History of the Church - Translated from the German by Edward Cox (Volume 3)
A History of the Church - Translated from the German by Edward Cox (Volume 1)
Studies in European History; Being Academical Addresses
First Age of the Church
Dr. J.J.I. Von Dollinger's Fables Respecting the Popes in the Middle Ages
Der Papst Und Das Concil, Von Janus [With the Collaboration of J.N. Huber and J. Friedrich]. Eine Weiter Ausgefuhrte Neubearb. Der in Der Augsburger Allgemeinen Zeitung Erschienenen Artikel
Dr. J. J. I. Von Dollinger's Fables Respecting the Popes in the Middle Ages