105 books
Dr. J. J. I. Von Döllinger's Fables Respecting the Popes in the Middle Ages
A Questao Religiosa, O Papa EO Concilio (Classic Reprint)
Dr. J.J.I. von Doellinger's Fables Respecting the Popes in the Middle Ages
Beitrage zur Sektengeschichte des Mittelalters
Addresses on Historical and Literary Subjects [In Continuation of 's Tudies in European History'
Die Universitaten Sonst Und Jetzt
Die Papst-Fabeln des Mittelalters
The Pope and the Council - Scholar's Choice Edition
Letters From Rome on the Council By Quirinus
Lectures on the Reunion of the Churches, Tr. with Preface by H.N. Oxenham
Heidenthum Und Judenthum, Vorhalle Zur Geschichte Des Christenthums
Hippolytus and Callistus - Primary Source Edition
The First Age of Christianity and the Church - Primary Source Edition
Die Reformation Ihre Innere Entwicklung Und Ihre Wirkungen, Erster Band
Studies in European history
Prophecies and the Prophetic Spirit in the Christian Era, an Historical Essay, Tr. with Intr., Notes and Appendices by A. Plummer
Die Reformation; Ihre Innere Entwicklung Und Ihre Wirkungen Im Umfange Des Lutherischen Bekentnisses (3)
Le Christianisme Et L'Eglise A L'Epoque de Leur Fondation
The Church and the Churches; Or, the Papacy and the Temporal Power
The Church and the Churches, Or, the Papacy and the Temporal Power; An Historical and Political Review
The Gentile and the Jew in the Courts of the Temple of Christ; An Introduction to the History of Christianity Volume 1
Addresses on Historical and Literary Subjects; In Continuation of
A History of the Church Volume 4
The Gentile and the Jew in the Courts of the Temple of Christ Volume 1; An Introduction to the History of Christianity