290 books
Establishment of an American Merchant Marine Volume 1-2; Hearings Before the Committee on Commerce, United States Senate, Sixty-Sixth Congress, First Session, Relative to the Establishment of an American Merchant Marine. Tuesday, June 10, 1919
Safety of Employees and Travelers on Railroads--Railway Clearance
Trusts in Foreign Countries; Laws and References Concerning Industrial Combinations in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Continental Europe
Interstate and Foreign Transportation Volume 3; Hearings Before the Joint Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Congress of the United States, Pursuant to Public J. Res. 25
Government Control and Operation of Railroads Volume 1
Report of Subcommittee of Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce on Investigation of Affairs of Panama Railroad Company
Settlement of Freight Claims; Hearing Before the Committee on Interstate Commerce, United States Senate, Sixty-Fourth Congress, First Session on S. 674 May 19, 1916
Refunding of Railroad Debt Volume 1-2; Hearing, Sixth-Seventh Congress, First Session on S. 2337
The Transmission of Telegrams; Hearings Before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, Sixty-Second Congress, Second Session, H. R. 3010
Testimony Taken by the Subcommittee of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the House of Representatives, in Regard to the Alleged Combination of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company and Other Railroad and Canal Companies and
Bills Affecting Interstate Commerce, Hearings on H.R. 9047, 9132, 9216, 10495, 11243
Cotton Volume 2
Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Bill Volume 1-3
Civil Aviation in the Department of Commerce, Hearing Before a Subcommittee, on S.2815, Dec 19, 1921
Alaska Water Transportation; Hearings Before the Committee on Commerce, United States Senate, Sixty-Sixth Congress, Second Session, Relative to S. 4012, a Bill to Provide for the Improvement of Transportation by Water to and from and Within the Territory o
To Regulate Radio Communication; Hearings April 28, 1910, on the Bill (S. 7243) to Regulate Radio Communication, Before the Committee on Commerce of the Senate of the United States, Sixty-First Congress, Second Session
Interstate and Foreign Transportation Volume 11; Hearings Before the Joint Subcommittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Congress of the United States, Pursuant to Public J. Res. 25, a Joint Resolution Creating a Joint Subcommittee from the Senate Com
Consolidation of Competing Telephone Companies; Joint Hearings Before the Committees on Interstate Commerce, Congress of the United States
Trading with the Enemy, Hearings, Before the Subcommittee, on H.R. 4960, July 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30 and Aug 2, 1917
Hearings Before Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, on the Isthmian Canal [June 5, 1906]
Hearings Before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the House of Representatives on Safety Appliances
Rights of Trustees of Municipally Owned Railroads; Hearings Before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the House of Representatives, Sixty-Fourth Congress, First Session, on a Bill Defining the Rights and Privileges of Trustees of Municipa
Bridges Across St. Louis River; Hearings on H.R. 15727 and H.R. 17762. September 26, 1914
Bills Affecting Interstate Commerce; Hearings Before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, 64th Congess, 1st Session, on H.R. 308, 565, 722, and S.J. Res. 60. February 1-29, 1916