290 books
Les Visites Charitables (5 )
Das Galante Sachsen (2)
Richard Wagner Und Seine Werke; Ein Volksbuch
Discourses on Several Important Subjects. to Which Are Added, 8 Sermons Preached at the Lady Moyer's Lecture, in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Lon
Pariser Briefe; Bilder Und Schilderungen Aus Der Letzten Periode Des Kaiserreichs, Der Wahl-, Pleiscit-, Kriegs-, Belagerungs- Und Commune Epoche Sowi
Geschichte Der Stadt Wien (1, PT. 1 )
Memoires Sur La Convention Et Le Directoire (1)
Dissertazione Sopra Lo Stato Presente Della Lingua Italiana
Le Chemin de La Solitude
L'Esprit Des Journaux (9 )
Hamburgische Kirchengeschichte; Nach Der Ausgabe Der Monumenta Germaniae Ubersetzt Von J.C.M. Laurent
Die Heimat; Monatsschrift Des Vereins Zur Pflege Der Natur- Und Landeskunde in Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg Und Lubeck (4 )
Briefe Zu Beforderung Der Humanitat (6 )
Hearings (4)
Safety Appliances Boiler Inspection; Hearing Before Subcommittee of the Interstate Commerce Committee on the Bill S. 236. [Feb. 14, 21, March
Regulation of Prices; Hearings Before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the House of Representatives, Sixty-Fourth Congress, Second
Interstate and Foreign Transportation; Hearings Before the Joint Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Congress of the United States, Pursuant
Merchandise Misbranding Bills. Hearings on H.R. 2855, H.R. 11641, H.R. 13111, H.R. 13136, March 19-31, 1920
Government Control of Meat-Packing Industry; Hearings Before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the House of Representatives, 65th Co
Hearings Before the Committee; March 11-15, 17-22, 24, 1902 on the Pure-Food Bills H. R. 3109, 12348, 9352, 276 and 4342
Warehouse Facilities of Common Carriers; Hearing Before the Committee on Interstate Commerce, United States Senate, Sixty-Sixth Congress, Second Session, on S. 3183
Proposed Antistrike Legislation; Hearing Before a Subcommitteeon S. 4204 and S. 4210
Railroad Transportation Shortage; Hearing Before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the House of Representatives, Sixty-Sixth Congress, Second Session, on the Car Shortage Situation, May 5, 1920
Federal Operation of Transportation Systems