400 books
Strengthening rural Ohio
H.R. 1999--the State and Local Housing Flexibility Act of 2005
The US-EU regulatory dialogue
Financial services needs of military personnel and their families
Banking on retirement security
Review of the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight and Federal Housing Finance Board
The administrative perspective on GSE regulatory reform
Due diligence in mortgage repurchases and Fannie Mae
Improving transparency in state regulation of insurer investments
Encouraging small business growth and access to capital
Treasury's report to Congress on the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA)
Private equity's effects on workers and firms
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the importance of agriculture development in sustainable global poverty reduction
Household incomes and housing costs
H.R. 1185--the Financial Deposit Insurance Reform Act of 2005
The state of the international financial system
IDA-14--historic advance or incremental change in debt and development policy
Accounting irregularities at Fannie Mae and the effect on investors
Improving land title grant procedures for Native Americans
Legislative proposals to implement the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission
Additional accounting and management failures at Fannie Mae
Weapons of mass destruction
Corporate governance and shareholder empowerment
The impact of credit-based insurance scoring on the availability and affordability of insurance