400 books
U.S.-Russia economic relationship
A proposal to increase the offering limit under SEC Regulation A
Implications of the G-20 leaders summit for low-income countries and the global economy
Public housing redevelopment strategies
Addressing the need for comprehensive regulatory reform
H.R. 6066
An analysis of the post-conservatorship legal expenses of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
H.R. 5579
Regulation of money service businesses
Affordable housing in West Virginia
Implementation of higher FHA loan fees and pending legislative proposals to strengthen the FHA MMIF Fund and improve lender oversight
The role of the U.S. in the World Bank and multilateral development banks
Bullion coin programs of the United States Mint
Legislative options for preserving federally- and state-assisted affordable housing and preventing displacement of low-income, elderly, and disabled tenants
The Section 8 Voucher Reform Act
The Economic Disaster Area Act of 2009