66 books • 13 series
George Whitefield (History Maker)
JavaScript, A Beginner's Guide, Third Edition
Wesley the Preacher and Newton the Liberator (Christian Classics for a New Generation)
Gordon of Khartoum (History Maker)
The Master and the Apostle
JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide, Second Edition
The Way to Glory
JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide
Shaftesbury: the Reformer
Newton: the Liberator
Whitefield: the Evangelist
Wesley the Preacher
Jesus: the Master
Paul the Apostle
Kitchener (History and Politics)
The Master the and Apostle
John Welsey (North Wind books)
The Apostle: A Life of Paul
Gordon (History and Politics)
Fear No Foe
On Fire for God
Nomic Probability and the Foundations of Induction