44 books • 8 series
Creative Colouring
Magic Mirror Colouring
Magical Colouring
Enchanted Colouring
Design Thinking in Software and AI Projects
Let's Cook! Pack A of 6 (Let's Cook!)
Dinosaur Detectives, Pack A of 6 (Dinosaur Detectives)
Discovery Pack: Crystals and Gemstones
Space Exploration (History of Inventions)
Music Technology (History of Inventions)
Air Transportation (History of Inventions)
Road Transportation (History of Inventions)
Moschops and Other Ancient Reptiles (Dinosaur Detectives)
Tyrannosaurus and Other Cretaceous Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Detectives)
Herrerasaurus and Other Triassic Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Detectives)
Placodus and Other Swimming Reptiles (Dinosaur Detectives)
Stegosaurus and Other Jurassic Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Detectives)
Archaeopteryx and Other Flying Reptiles (Dinosaur Detectives)
Women Scientists in Chemistry (Superwomen in STEM)
The Culture and Recipes of Italy (Let's Cook!)
The Culture and Recipes of France (Let's Cook!)
The Culture and Recipes of Japan (Let's Cook!)