1,431 books • 1 series
The Vietnam Cauldron
Essential Guide to the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (Inf) Treaty
Stealth, Precision, and the Making of American Foreign Policy - Review of Interests and Conflicts, Korean War, Vietnam, Mayaguez, Iranian Hostages, Lebanon, Grenada, Libya, Iraq, Bosnia, Kosovo
Maximizing the Potential of the Special Operations Forces and General Purpose Forces - Case Studies of Rangers in World War II, Congo Dragon, Mayaguez Incident, Eagle Claw, Just Cause Airfield Assault
Essential Guide to the 1975 Mayaguez Crisis
2019 Challenges to Security in Space
Surviving a Catastrophic Power Outage
The Global Zero Movement
Global Nuclear Landscape 2018 - Official American Intelligence Inventory of Nuclear Stockpiles in Russia, China, North Korea, Facilities Maps, Warheads and Delivery Systems Including Missile Forces
The Manned Penetrating Bomber
Between Russia and Iran
2019 U.S. Strategic and Nonstrategic Nuclear Weapons Guide
Assessment on U.S. Defense Implications of China's Expanding Global Access, Direct Military Means, One Belt One Road and Digital Silk Road Initiatives, Technology, Media Influence Operations, Tourism
Directed Energy Weapon System for Ballistic Missile Defense - Free-Electron Lasers or Space-Based Relay Mirrors Providing Multi-Layered Defense Against Attacks from Russia, China, Iran, or North Korea
Islamic Extremists Love the Internet, and Reconceptualizing Radicalized Groups and Their Messages - Making of Potential Home-Grown Terrorists, Counter-Strategies, Use of Social Media, Opsec Process
2019 Operation Inherent Resolve
Offsetting Tomorrow's Adversary in a Contested Environment
Prevent, Counter, and Respond - A Strategic Plan to Reduce Global Nuclear Threats, 2019 to 2023
U.S. Army Concept for Cyberspace and Electronic Warfare (Ew) Operations 2025-2040 (Tradoc 525-8-6) - Electromagnetic Spectrum Management, Threats from Hackers, Bot Nets, Phishers, Foreign Intelligence
2019 Major American Weapons Systems
Humans in the Loop
Winning a Future War
When Norms Fail
Soviet Navy