1,431 books • 1 series
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Adhd) and the U.S. Army
Avoid Leaks
Availability of Refined Fuel Within the Indo-Pacific Area of Responsibility - Dod Military Warfighter Energy Needs in Asia, Risk Potential, Use of Military Sealift Command and Oil Tankers for Shipping
Assessing Effects of U.S. Sanctions on Hezbollah's Jihad Al-Bina - Failure to Deny Resources for Postwar Reconstruction in Lebanon, Continued Project Expansion and Growth in Size and Legitimacy
Always Faithful, Always Forward
Area Maritime Security Committees (Amscs) and the Maritime Transportation System - Effectiveness in Responding to Transportation Security Incidents in Homeland Environment, Stakeholder Survey Results
A Field Grade Review of the Strategic Implications of China's Accumulation of American Business - Capital Investments by Chinese Communist Party (Ccp) as National Security Threat, Impact of Cfius
Denying Sanctuary - Coin Terrorist Insurgency Studies
Unmanned Military Systems in Perspective - Are Remotely Piloted Aircraft a Revolution in Military Affairs? Need to Integrate Unmanned Aircraft and Drones with Manned Components of Air Force
Xenophon's Anabasis
Lethal Autonomous Weapons (Laws)
The Rise of Robots
The Army Before Last
Brave New Warfare
The Influence of Strategic and Organizational Cultures on the Revolution in Military Affairs (Rma) Within the U.S. Army - Analysis of the Interwar Period and Contemporary Culture, American Way of War
Sustaining Naval Surface Combatant Vertical Launch System (Vls) Munitions During Joint Operations - How China Could Exploit Vulnerability in Naval Logistics, Port Reloading Requirement Problem
Strategic Rationality Is Not Enough
Atomic Bomb History
Applying Lessons Learned from Interwar Airpower (1919-1939) to Joint Warfighting with Cyberpower - Change Agents Moffett, Patrick, Reeves; Army and Navy Doctrine, Personnel, and Technology
Nevada Test Site Guide
The Forgotten Service
A Special Relationship
Forging the 10th Mountain Division for War, 1940-1945
The Growth of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (Pla) Navy