18 books • 8 series
Tradition and Higher Education
Higher Education and Policy-making in Twentieth-century England (Woburn Education)
Higher Education and Opinion Making in Twentieth-Century England
Innovating in Higher Education
Researching education
Good Schools, Effective Schools (School Development)
An Educational War on Poverty
A Higher Education (Routledge Library Editions: Higher Education, #29)
Education, Change and the Policy Process (Education Policy Perspectives)
A Liberal Vocationalism
Education as History
Education and the Social Condition (RLE Edu L) (Routledge Library Editions: Education) (University Paperbacks)
The Concept of Popular Education (Library Reprint S.)
English Education and the Radicals (RLE Edu L) (Routledge Library Editions: Education) (Students Library of Education)
The Education of the Poor
Social History of Education in England
Modern English Society (University Paperbacks)