334 books • 10 series
Paramahansa Yogananda Sanontoja - Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda (Finnish)
Научные целительные аффирмации (Self Realization Fellowship - SHA Russian)
Метафизические медитации (Self Realization Fellowship - MM Russian)
Inner Reflections Engagement Calendar 2014
La Segunda Venida de Cristo, Volumen III
Inner Reflections Engagement Calendar 2014 (German)
Inner Reflections Engagement Calendar 2014 (Italian)
Demystifying Patanjali
Inner Reflections Engagement Calendar 2014 (Spanish)
Dans Le Sanctuaire de L'Ame (ISS French)
Autobiography of a Yogi - Bulgarian
Meditations Metaphysiques
Affirmations Scientifiques de Guerison - French
Autobiografii Jogina - Polish
La Paix Interieure
Vivre Sans Peur (Living Fearlessly - French)
Metaphysical Meditations (Japanese)
The Law of Success (Japanese)
Vivre En Vaingueur (to Be Victorious in Life - French)
Pourquoi Dieu permet le mal (Why God Permits Evil - French)
Scientific Healing Affirmations
Joogi Autobiograafia (Autobiography of a Yogi - Estonian)
Inner Reflections Engagement Calendar 2013
La Segunda Venida de Cristo, Volumen II