334 books • 10 series
Be a Smile Millionaire
Stories to Remember
La Busqueda Eterna
Journey to Self-realization (Collected Talks & Essays S.)
Why God Permits Evil and How to Rise Above it
Inner Reflections 2003
Paramahansa Yogananda: In Memoriam
Maximas de Paramahansa Yogananda
Susurros de La Madre Eterna
La Ley del Exito
La Paz Interior (How-to-Live)
En el Santuario del Alma
Autobiografia de Un Yogui
Autobiography of a Yogi - Simplified Chinese
Spiegelbilder Der Seele, 1999 (Inner Reflections)
Riflessi Dell'anima - Agenda, 1999 (Inner Reflections)
Espelho Da Alma (Inner Reflections)
O Vino Do Mistico (Wine of the Mystics)
Metaphysical Meditations (Original Writings)
Awake in the Cosmic Dream (Collectors S.)
Destellos de Inspiracion
Two Frogs in Trouble
In the Sanctuary of the Soul
The Law of Success