403 books • 20 series
Born in 1852, George Moore was an Irish novelist, short story writer, dramatist, poet, essayist and editor. He was one of the most significant figures in Irish and English literature between the 1880s and 1930s.
The Collected Works Volume 18
The Collected Works Volume 13
Evelyn Innes (Volume 1)
The Power Of The Soul Over The Body Considered In Relation To Health And Morals
A Mummer's Wife, by George Moore
Spring Days; A Realistic Novel. a Prelude to Don Juan.
Ancient Pillar Stones of Scotland
The Apostle a Drama in Three Acts
A Drama in Muslin, a Realistic Novel. with a Frontispiece from a Drawing by J.E. Blanche
The Coming of Gabrielle; A Comedy
Hail and Farewell Salve
Lives of Cardinal Alberoni, the Duke of Ripperda
Evelyn Innes (1898)
Tales of the Passions
Elizabetha Cooper
The Anointing
A Story Teller's Holiday
Mr. Humphrey's Cookbook
Lewis Seymour and Some Women;
Collected Works of George Moore
Man and His Motives
Notes on the History of Slavery in Massa (Civil War)
Esther Waters. a Play in Five Acts