403 books • 20 series
Born in 1852, George Moore was an Irish novelist, short story writer, dramatist, poet, essayist and editor. He was one of the most significant figures in Irish and English literature between the 1880s and 1930s.
The Lost Tribes and the Saxons of the East and of the West, with Views of Buddhism [&C]
Health, Disease and Remedy; Familiarly & Practically Considered, in a Few of Their Relations to the Blood
Collected Works; A Mummer's Wife. 1922
The Collected Works of George Moore; Evelyn Innes Volume 6
Esther Waters, a Play
Collected Works
The Bending of the Bough, a Comedy
Elizabeth Cooper, a Comedy
The Collected Works of George Moore (Volume 18); In Single Strictness
Tales of the Passions (Volume 2); In Which Is Attempted an Illustration of Their Effects on the Human Mind Each Tale Comprised in One Volume, and Forming the Subject of a Single Passion
Elizabeth Cooper; A Comedy in Three Acts
The Collected Works of George Moore (Volume 3); Muslin
The Collected Works of George Moore (Volume 14); A Story-Teller's Holiday
Lives of Cardinal Alberoni, and the Duke of Ripperda, Ministers of Philip V. King of Spain
Lives of Cardinal Alberoni, the Duke of Ripperda, and Marquis of Pombal; Three Distinguished Political Adventurers of the Last Century. Exhibiting a View of the Kingdoms of Spain and Portugal During a Considerable Portion of That Period
The Use of the Body in Relation to the Mind
Tales of the Passions Volume 1; In Which Is Attempted an Illustration of Their Effects on the Human Mind Each Tale Comprised in One Volume, and Forming the Subject of a Single Passion
The History of the British Revolution of 1688-9; Recording All the Events Connected with That Transaction in England, Scotland, and Ireland, Down to the Capitulation of Limerick in 1691, in the Last of These Kingdoms, Inclusive
The First Man and His Place in Creation Considered on the Principles of Science and Common Sense from a Christian Point of View with an Appendix on the Negro
The Collected Works of George Moore (Volume 12); Hail and Farewell, Salve
The Collected Works of George Moore (Volume 11); Hail and Farewell, Ave
The Collected Works of George Moore (Volume 10); Memoirs of My Dead Life
The Bending of the Bough; A Comedy in Five Acts
The Collected Works of George Moore (Volume 4); Spring Days