214 books
Unlaw in Judgements of the Judicial Committee and Its Remedies
The Church of England; A Portion of Christ's One Holy Catholic Church, and a Means of Restoring Visible Unity
Patience and Confidence the Strength of the Church.
A Letter to Richard, Lord Bishop of Oxford, on the Tendency to Romanism Imputed to Doctrines Held of Old, as Now, in the English Church
Sermons Preached Before the University of Oxford [Microform]
The Love of God and of Jesus for Souls and the Blessedness of Intercession for Them
First letter To the Very Rev. J.H. Newman, D.D.
The Councils of the Church from the Council of Jerusalem A.D. 51, to the Council of Constantinople a
The Minor Prophets
Tracts for the Times, Volume 2, Part 1
The Doctrine of the Real Presence as Contained in the Fathers; From the Death of S. John the Evangelist to the Fourth General Council;
First Letter to the Very REV. J.H. Newman, D.D., in Explanation Chiefly in Regard to the Reverential Love Due to the Ever-Blessed Theotokos,
Ten Sermons During a Retreat for Clergy and a Mission for the People; At S. Saviour's Church, Leeds, in the Octave of Its Consecration 1845
Spiritual Letters of Edward Bouverie Pusey
The Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ the Doctrine of the English Church; With a Vindication of the Reception by the
A Course of Sermons on Solemn Subjects Chiefly Bearing on Repentance and Amendment of Life; Preachead in St. Saviour's Church, Leeds, During
Prayers Gathered from the Writings of ... Edward Bouverie Pusey, by E.H. and F.H. 1
Daniel the Prophet, 9 Lectures, with Notes
Selections from the Writings of E.B. Pusey
On the Clause 'And the Son' in Regard to the Eastern Church and the Bonn Conference, a Letter
The Doctrine of the Real Presence
The Articles Treated on in Tract 90 [By J.H. Newman] Reconsidered and Their Interpretation Vindicated, in a Letter
What Is the Truth as to Everlasting Punishment? in Reply to Dr. Pusey's Treatise 'What Is of Faith as to Everlasting Punishment?' 2 PT
Tracts for the Times; Volume 4