214 books
The Holy Eucharist a Comfort to the Penitent; A Sermon Preached Before the University, in the Cathedral Church of Christ, in Oxford, on the Fourth Sunday After Easter
The Minor Prophets; With a Commentary, Explanatory and Practical, and Introductions to the Several Books Volume 1
Maxims and Gleanings from the Writings of E.B. Pusey, Selected by C.M.S.
Daniel the Prophet; Nine Lectures Delivered in the Divinity School of the University of Oxford, with Copious Notes
A Letter to the Lord Bishop of London, in Explanation of Some Statements Contained in a Letter by W. Dodsworth
The Holy Eucharist a Comfort to the Penitent; A Sermon, Preached Before the University, in Oxford
A Course of Sermons on Solemn Subjects Chiefly Bearing on Repentance and Amendment of Life; Preached in St. Saviour's Church, Leeds, During the Week After Its Consecration on the Feast of S. Simon and S. Jude, 1845
The Articles Treated on in Tract 90 Reconsidered and Their Interpretation Vindicated in a Letter to the REV. R.W. Jelf
A Letter to the Right REV. Father in God, Richard, Lord Bishop of Oxford; On the Tendency to Romanism Imputed to Doctrines Held of Old, as Now, in the English Church with a Preface on the Doctrine of Justification
The Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ; The Doctrine of the English Church, with a Vindication of the Reception by the Wicked and of the Adoration of Our Lord Jesus Christ Truly Present
The Royal and Parliamentary Ecclesiastical Commissions [By E.B. Pusey]. from the British Critic and Quarterly Theol. Review. Repr
A Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church, Anterior to the Division of the East and West Volume 5
A Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church, Anterior to the Division of the East and West; (See V.18)
A Letter to the Right Hon. and Right REV. the Lord Bishop of London
A Letter to Richard Lord Bishop of Oxford on the Tendency to Romanism Imputed to Doctrines Held of Old, as Now, in the English Church. with a Preface on the Doctrine of Justification
First Letter to the Very REV. J. H. Newman, D.D.; In Explanation, Chiefly in Regard to the Reverential Love Due to the Ever-Blessed Theotokos, and the Doctrine of Her Immaculate Conception with an Analysis of Cardinal de Turrecremata's Work on the Immacula
The Minor Prophets Volume 2; With a Commentary, Explanatory and Practical, and Introductions to the Several Books
Is Healthful Reunion Impossible? Volume 4; A Second Letter to the Very REV. J. H. Newman
The Doctrine of Passive Obedience to Kings Contrary to Holy Scripture, Remarks on Professor Pusey's Sermon [Entitled Patience and Confidence the Strength of the Church] Preached on the 5th of November, 1837, by a Clergyman...
Remarks on the Perspective and Past Benefits of Cathedral Institutions in the Promotion of Sound Religious Knowledge and of Clerical Education
Parochial Sermons Volume 1
Appendices to the Sermon Preached by the REV. E. B. Pusey, D.D. on the Fifth of November, 1837; Containing I. an Explanation of Points Mistaken by the Author of Passive Obedience Contrary to the Holy Scripture. II. Remarks on the Revolution of 1688, and th
A Letter to the Right REV. Father in God, Richard Lord Bishop of Oxford, on the Tendency to Romanism Imputed to Doctrines Held of Old, as Now, in the English Church;
Scriptural Views of Holy Baptism