101,363 books • 151 series
Laws of the State University Acts of Congress and Laws of the Missouri Legislature Relating to the University of Missouri and Agricultural and Mechanical College, and School of Mines and Metallurgy
Memorial of Elias Huntington Richardson, Pastor of the First Church of Christ, New Britain, Conn.
Forty-fifth Anniversary of the Settlement of Rev. Edward Buxton as Pastor of the Second Congregational Church of Boscawen, Now the Congregational Church of Webster, and Marking his Retirement from the Active Duties of the Ministry, Dec. 13, 1882
Memorial. Charles Delano. Born at New Braintree, Mass., June 24th, 1820; Died at Northampton, Mass., January 23d, 1883
Fourteenth Annual Report of the Massachusetts Homeopathic Hospital and of the Ladies' Aid Association for the Year Ending December 31, 1883
Manual Third Presbyterian Church, Chicago, May 1, 1883
Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Godlove S. Orth (a Representative from Indiana), Delivered in the House of Representatives and in the Senate, Forty-seventh Congress, Second Session
Living English Poets. MDCCCLXXXII
Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Benjamin Harvey Hill (A Senator from Georgia), Delivered in the Senate and House of Representatives, Forty-seventh Congress, Second session, January 25, 1883
Historical Coins and Medals, to be Sold at Auction, on Friday and Saturday, March 16th and 17th, 1883
Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy, at Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass.
Journal and Proceedings of the Hamilton Association for Session of 1894-95
Journal and Proceedings of the Hamilton Association, 1884-85
Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society
Journal and Proceedings of the Hamilton Association for Session of 1892-93
Journal and Proceedings of the Hamilton Association for Session of 1897-98
Journal and Proceedings of the Hamilton Association for Session of 1889-90
Catalogue of Mr. J.C. Runkle's Foreign Cabinet Paintings
Gregory's Annual Illustrated Retail Catalogue of Warranted Seeds, Vegetable, Flower and Grain
Grand, Square, and Upright Piano Fortes by Chickering & Sons, 1883
Grand, Square and Upright Piano Fortes by J. & C. Fischer
General Catalogue of the Theological Seminary, Andover, Mass. 1880
Encouragement to the Sorghum and Beet Sugar Industry
Historical and Biographical